Wielka Śnieżna (Great Snow Cave)
The cave is vertical in its shape. Its openining is situated high up and the sumps located near the bottom. The three sump sequences to be found here are situated entirely separately: one on the bottom and the two other in the side forks of the corridor. The first sump in the bottom sump sequence is called Syfon Dominiki (Dominica's Sump), then there is Syfon Beaty (Beata's Sump) and, finally Jeziorko X (Lake X). The two forks of the corridor are made up of the following sumps: Syfon Krakowski (Cracow Sump) and then Syfon Magdy (Magda's Sump), and Syfon Marzeń (Dreams' Sump). Exploratory climbings were have been made in the dry pit behind these sumps but the end has not yet been reached. The sumps are short and shallow but the conditions here are made difficult by the lack of space, unclear, muddy water and difficult dry passages separating the sumps. Similarly to Jaskinia Śnieżna, extremely difficult diving conditions are the reason why it is practically only exploratory actions that take place here.