A note about the proper names
The proper names of the Tatra caves have been translated into English if their Polish name contained Polish common nouns with a counterpart in the English language. Otherwise, their original name has been kept.

The site has been prepared in the basis of the following sources:

  • Szerszeń A., Ryl M.L., "Polskie jaskinie", Magazyn Nurkowanie nr 6, 7/2002 (`Polish caves`, Diving Magazine 6, 7/2002)
  • Wi¶niewski W., "O nurkowaniu w polskich jaskiniach - suplement", Magazyn Nurkowanie 9/2002 (`About diving in Polish caves`, Diving Magazine 9/2002)
  • Jaskinie Tatrzańskiego Parku Narodowego, praca zbiorowa pod redakcj± naukow± Jerzego Grodzickiego, PTPNoZ, Warszawa (The Caves of the Polish Tatra Mountains)
  • Epimedes cave page panda.bg.univ.gda.pl/~dbart (caves' plans and sections)

    The cave openings are marked on the maps "Tatry Polskie" (`Polish Tatra Mountains`) in the scale 1:10000, Czasopisma Wojskowe, Warszawa, 1992.

    More information about Polish caves and cave diving can be found on:

  • Epimedes cave page panda.bg.univ.gda.pl/~dbart
  • fluid.itcmp.pwr.wroc.pl/~bolek

    Information about the current activities of the Polish cave divers can be found in the following magazines:

  • Jaskinie, kwartalnik, (Caves, quarterly)
  • Magazyn Nurkowanie, miesięcznik, (Diving Magazine, monthly), www.nurkowanie.v.pl
  • Polish Caving, published irregularly by Caveing Commision of the Polish Mountaneering Association
  • Taternik, kwartalnik (Taternik, quarterly)

    Site authors:

  • Andrzej Szerszeń
  • Marlena Luiza Ryl
